Cloud Connectivity What Exactly is The Cloud? – Common Computer Problems

every time people open their email or stream the movies they love or TV programs, they are using the cloud. Cloud is also a software platform and databases to manage servers.

What exactly is cloud computing work? Cloud connectivity is made possible by the technology known as virtualization. This is the creation of an online or virtual computer that functions like an actual physical machine with hardware. Cloud access is available via browsers from users’ PCs and smartphones connected to many connected networks.

Cloud computing provides users with the convenience of having access to their data anywhere in the world with an internet connection. However, cloud systems can have downtime that results in large losses to customers.

It is good to know that most cloud-based infrastructures run by major companies like Amazon (AWS), Google (Google Cloud), and Microsoft (Azure) are redundancies in place in case of downtimes. Servers are backed up at other places, which is the reason the cloud is always online. Cloud technology is constantly evolving and evolve rapidly. we can expect to continue to watch its evolution during the next several years. oergayhea7.

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