In the rapidly changing world of marketing, there is plenty of demand and plenty of competition. We sat down with Tisha Oehmen, Chief Operating Officer of Paradux Media Group, to find out how her business manages to outpace competitors.
Marketing agencies are everywhere in the age of the internet. What is it that makes Paradux Media Group special?
Paradux Media Group is a boutique hybrid agency. We specialize in crafting a brand message for our clients and applying it across the traditional media channels and the new online media channels. This gives our clients a 1 + 1 = 3 effect, allowing them to effectively and efficiently leverage their marketing dollars for maximum return.
It sounds like you have quite a lot to offer your clients! How did you prepare to run a business that provides such a valuable service?
I grew up in this business and have had the opportunity to work with some the best and brightest marketing minds. I routinely read industry (and non-industry) content to keep my skills sharp and to make sure I’m staying at the top of my game. Finally, because we work with a diverse client base, I’m constantly being exposed to different industries and what’s working (and not working) in them. Often the nugget of a great idea comes from one industry and the cross-application of that morphed-idea to a different industry.
Learning from your clients sounds like a great way to keep growing. Would you say that’s the most rewarding part of running your own company?
The most rewarding thing for me is getting to make a difference for my clients. Knowing we had a positive impact on their bottom line is always the best part for me. Well, that and seeing our creative out there in the real world, there’s nothing like driving past a billboard, or hearing a commercial we created to make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
In only six years, you seem to have accomplished a lot. Are you where you thought you would be at this point?
In most respects, we’re well ahead of our business plan. Of course though, the economy has changed elements that were originally in that business plan. But all in all, our business is continuing to grow, we have a great client-base, and we love our team, and wouldn’t change a thing.
As that growth continues, where do you see yourself in the next several years?
Our short and long terms goals are to continue to grow. We want to provide more employment, work with more clients, and continue to support our local economy. The one thing I’m confident about is that next year, 5 years, and 10 years out, we’ll still be experiencing change. Our job is to stay flexible and continue adding new media channels to the mix, finding the best ways to use those channels, and to promote our clients.
Paradux Media Group is located in Eagle Point, OR and can be found online at
www.paraduxmedia.com. Those who are interested in their services can visit the site or contact the company either via email at contact@paraduxmedia.com or via phone at (541)727-0627.
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