Michigan Bankruptcy Firm now using Facebook to share information about bankruptcy law and financial matters
Royal Oak, MI — September 27, 2013 — Moran Law has shifted its Facebook focus to providing information designed to help clients and Facebook followers improve their financial situations. In an era where one out of every 70 households in the United States is forced to file for bankruptcy, Moran Law recognizes the importance of educating the public on financial matters. The entire staff at Moran Law is contributing to the page through article suggestions, blog posts and content creation.
Free Information
Moran Law’s Facebook postings provide clients with a free way to educate themselves on federal bankruptcy laws, as well as the laws that are unique to Michigan. Aside from information on bankruptcy law, Moran Law also posts blog, article suggestions, and numerous other pieces of content, all of which are geared towards financial wellness tips that people can use everyday.
“This is important to us because it allows us to take our motto, ‘helping good people, through bad times,’ to another level,” explains Ryan Moran, managing attorney at Moran Law. “We noticed that the bankruptcy process for a lot of attorneys stops after the case has been discharged. We now can feel confident about engaging with clients after the bankruptcy process has finished. Bankruptcy really is the first step towards financial security and we’re confident that the content we’re creating on our Facebook page is going to encourage people to take action towards financial freedom.”
Help for All Types of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can arise from a large number of situations. People that have never faced debt before could suddenly find themselves under a seemingly insurmountable amount of debt following a death, divorce, loss of work, illness or a sudden economic downturn. The experienced professionals at Moran Law can help its clients, whether they are facing Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Moran Law began posting financial wellness tips several months ago and clients are encouraged to engage take advantage of the information that is shared on its Facebook page.
If you are interested in learning more, visit online at www.MichiganBankruptcyFirm.com, or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MoranLawMI
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