Muskegon, MI – October 21, 2013 – Reid Supply Company, serving manufacturers and machine builders around the world with knobs, handles, hand wheels, clamps, tooling components, fasteners, hardware, and more, recently added new product to its inventory, boosting its offerings to the industrial community.
Now offering more than 300 different levers, Reid Supply substantially expanded its inventory with this addition. Commonly used to increase mechanical force, the new line of levers fall into four major categories.
Cam Levers
Reid Supply introduced six new cam levers, bringing its total number of available products in this category to 184. Having only one handle, Reid Supply’s cam levers are made from either aluminum or stainless steel and are available in a variety of mounting types including adjustable threaded stud and internal thread. A number of handle lengths are also available among different products.
Clamping Levers
Twenty-five different clamping levels are now in-stock at Reid Supply and are specifically designed for equipment that needs regular tightening. Made from steel and malleable iron, Reid Supply’s clamping levers are available in a variety of hole types including blank, tapped, and reamed.
Control Levers
Control levers are used for heavy duty applications and come with between one and four arms. Reid Supply now stocks 16 different control levels, all of which are made of either black reinforced plastic or chrome-plated steel.
Gear Levers
Reid Supply has brought its stock of gear levers up to 110 different products. These levers and lever shafts are used to change or move gears in various types of machinery and are generally plastic-handled.
Reid Supply’s new stock of levers follows the introduction of new product into many other areas including knobs, handles, and hand wheels. The company’s rapidly growing inventory has captured the attention of its customers who are pleased with the large inventory of readily available products.
For more information about the new stock offered at Reid Supply Company, visit www.reidsupply.com, email sales@reidsupply.com, or call 800-253-0421 toll free.
Abrasive sanding belts, Handles, Linear bearings, Anti vibration pads, Sleeve bearings, Roller bearings.